We are living in times now where conflicting opinions have created so much division and frustration that there is no longer common ground. I hold a vision for a better way to live, where we can respect different opinions and face conflicts with compassion and understanding to find solutions.

Photo of life coach and mediator Amy Catherine Chibib


My approach is a combination of Facilitative, Transformative and Narrative, which is a resourceful tool used when clients are stuck in their perspective and I often use this in coaching as well. I will help you to come to solutions, rather than deciding the issues and resolutions for you. I work to facilitate and promote collaboration through open communication, shared decision-making, and a constructive resolution that aims for a win-win scenario. My goal is to listen to your opinions, allow you to voice your concerns, and help you work cooperatively together.


Filing lawsuits over civil disputes only escalates fear, frustration, and anger for both parties. Having a good attorney on your side to advise you of the legal implications and signing off on contracts is necessary but you can avoid astronomical legal fees and get to the root of the issue by partnering with an experienced mediator. Mediation offers an alternative and a positive first step to finding solutions.

Why Seek Mediation?

Mediation is completely confidential
Information disclosed will not be revealed to anyone.


Mediation fosters cooperation
Mediation gets to the root of the issue to find true resolve for all parties involved.


Mediation identifies underlying issues
Parties can discover a mutual understanding of issues affecting the relationship.


Mediation works!
The success rate for mediation is extremely high, and over 85% of all cases are settled.

Training & Accreditations


Session Pricing


Mediation is charged on an hourly basis. Most mediations tend to take between 2 and 4 hours or even a full 8hr day. Fees are to be divided evenly between the parties (unless otherwise agreed prior to mediation) and are to be paid immediately upon end of mediation session.

How To Get Started

The best way to get started is to contact me directly and we will discuss your situation. In mediation, it is best that both parties are willing to participate in the process. I will want to have intake conversations with each party prior to meeting. After learning some details about the situation we will determine a reasonable time for the mediation and set a date. Ideally, we will meet in person in a conference room with ample space. Alternatively, we can conduct our meeting via Zoom. We will coordinate details that work best for everyone!


Mediation is a process where people can work to resolve issues in a neutral and safe place. Mediators work as guides in this process.

Evaluative - Standing in direct contrast to facilitative mediation is evaluative mediation, a type of mediation in which mediators are more likely to make recommendations and suggestions and to express opinions. Instead of focusing primarily on the underlying interests of the parties involved, evaluative mediators may be more likely to help parties assess the legal merits of their arguments and make fairness determinations. Evaluative mediation is most often used in court-mandated mediation, and evaluative mediators are often attorneys who have legal expertise in the area of the dispute. This type of mediation is typically done by Attorneys and former judges.

Transformative - In transformative mediation, mediators focus on empowering disputants to resolve their conflict and encouraging them to recognize each other’s needs and interests. First described by Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger in their 1994 book The Promise of Mediation, transformative mediation is rooted in the tradition of facilitative mediation. At its most ambitious, the process aims to transform the parties and their relationship through the process of acquiring the skills they need to make constructive change.

Facilitative - In facilitative mediation or traditional mediation, a professional mediator attempts to facilitate negotiation between the parties in conflict. Rather than making recommendations or imposing a decision, the mediator encourages disputants to reach their own voluntary solution by exploring each other’s deeper interests. In facilitative mediation, mediators tend to keep their own views regarding the conflict hidden.

Narrative - Narrative mediation “borrows much of [its] work from narrative therapy” (Billikopf-Encina, “Narrative Mediation…” 100). This style of mediation presupposes that people become caught in the conflict cycle because they see themselves as being bound to it. A mediator using this style gets the parties to view the conflict from a distance, through story telling. After they finish with the story, the parties work with the mediator to create a new story where the conflict is replaced by an agreement leading to resolution. The goal is to get the parties to detach themselves from the conflict (101). Linden states that this style works well when the disputants have an on-going relationship past the mediation.