Seeking Peaceful Solutions Through Dispute Resolutions

We are living in times now where conflicting opinions have created so much division and frustration that there is no longer common ground. I hold a vision for a better way to live, where we can respect different opinions and face conflicts with compassion and understanding to find solutions.


My approach is a combination of Facilitative, Transformative and Narrative, which is a resourceful tool used when clients are stuck in their perspective and I often use this in coaching as well. I will help you to come to solutions, rather than deciding the issues and resolutions for you. I work to facilitate and promote collaboration through open communication, shared decision-making, and a constructive resolution that aims for a win-win scenario. My goal is to listen to your opinions, allow you to voice your concerns, and help you work cooperatively together.


Filing lawsuits over civil disputes only escalates fear, frustration, and anger for both parties. Having a good attorney on your side to advise you of the legal implications and signing off on contracts is necessary but you can avoid astronomical legal fees and get to the root of the issue by partnering with an experienced mediator. Mediation offers an alternative and a positive first step to finding solutions.

Why Seek Mediation?

Mediation is completely confidential
Information disclosed will not be revealed to anyone.


Mediation fosters cooperation
Mediation gets to the root of the issue to find true resolve for all parties involved.


Mediation identifies underlying issues
Parties can discover a mutual understanding of issues affecting the relationship.


Mediation works!
The success rate for mediation is extremely high, and over 85% of all cases are settled.